MaPomDen health And Diet Blog
The Complementary Alternative Medicine, Natural Health And Diets Blog
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March 2020

Dr Jones Gyedu Writes

When the WHO warns of a catastrophe if the Covid-19 gains root in Africa where there’s a largely moribund healthcare system, our leaders don’t listen. And sometimes you wonder if it’s just due to crass incompetence or they intentionally do…

Benefits Of Interval Training

Fat is very important for normal body health; however, too much fat causes obesity. Losing weight is a slow process that needs a tremendous amount of patience and discipline. In this regard, interval training comes to play General Overview…

Who Is Alois Alzheimer?

Alois d'Alzheimer You may have heard of him. Its name undoubtedly occupies a prominent place because it is associated with one of the most troubling illnesses that affect people. In 1906, the first neuropathologist identified the symptoms…

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