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Are You Very Afraid of Interactions – The Health Care Blog

By HANS DUVEFELT I happened to be reading about the pharmacodynamics of parenteral versus oral furosemide when I came across a unique interaction between this most common diuretic and risperidone: Elderly dementia patients who take risperidone have twice the expected mortality when given furosemide as well. I knew that all atypical antipsychotics could double mortality […]

Can healthy people who eat right and exercise skip the Covid-19 vaccine? A researcher and fitness enthusiast explains why the answer is no

from Richard Bloomer, University of Memphis I am a fitness enthusiast. I also stick to a nutrient-rich, “clean” diet, which means I minimize my sugar consumption and eat a lot of whole foods to optimize my health. You may be wondering how effective such a diet and exercise plan would be in fighting COVID-19, as […]

The Nashville Opioid Epidemic: A Growing Problem

Opioids are a class of drugs that include prescription pain relievers as well as heroin. While some of these drugs can be prescribed by a doctor, if misused they can also be highly addictive. Since not everyone gets opioid addiction treatment quickly, abuse can lead to a myriad of other problems, including the risk of […]

MBA in Healthcare: A Quick Start Guide

Oct. 202021 MBA in Healthcare: A Quick Start Guide Health management is not an easy subject. It takes a lot of time and professionalism from those who tackle it. It is precisely for this reason that an MBA in Health Administration and Management is part of today’s training curriculum. But what is a healthcare MBA? […]

How physiotherapy improves your quality of life

Oct 192021 How physiotherapy improves your quality of life Physiotherapy offers patients the opportunity to recover from various injuries by focusing on several essential aspects of the patient’s health and wellbeing. The practice promotes optimal healing by promoting and improving mobility, effectively reducing stiffness Dealing with pain, and prevents the possibility of further injury. The […]