10 Rules of Life To Gain Fulfillment

I came across this online and I would love to share. I hope these rules help someone

1.Be private and lowkey. Don’t tell people more than they need to know. They can’t mess with what they don’t know.

2. Rules about career: At every job you should either earn or learn. Either is fine. Both is best. But if it’s neither, quit.

3. Live in the moment. It means letting go of the past, and not waiting for the future. Today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly alive.

4. Ask yourself these two questions

When you’re making tough choices and deciding what to do in a certain situation, ask yourself…

  • What would my future self in five years decide?
  • What is the end goal I want from this?

Sometimes life seems busy or stressful because we’re sitting in confusion in our heads. Whenever I feel this way, I ask these questions, and I usually get the answer I need.

5. Create a list of three priorities for every day (do this the night before)

Instead of keeping crazy to-do lists, create a to-do list at night for the next day with three priorities for the next day. List them in order of importance. This way, anything beyond the list is extra.

6. Intentionally choose your relationships

So many of us are spread way too thin. Instead of spending 256 seconds with 15,000 people, try to spend more time with fewer people. Your life is only as good as the quality relationships you keep – tap here to choose a high-quality partner.

7. Practice saying “no” once a day

Saying no is one of the best ways to cut things from your life. The easier it is for you to say no, the more likely you’ll actually say no. The way to get good at it is to start small and to do it often. I suggest practicing saying no once a day for little things. Just do it intentionally and see how much easier it gets.

8. Refuse to indulge in “I don’t know” or being “stuck”

Instead of allowing yourself to sit in “I don’t know,” switch to “I’m figuring it out.” At least this gives you momentum. Like Wayne Dyer says, “You are not stuck unless you decide to be.”

9. Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

Never be satisfied, and always push yourself. Do (or be willing to keep trying) the things people say cannot be done.

10. Rules about money: I’m not after the money. I’m after the freedom that comes with having money. Two very different goals.

These rules are not cast in stone but they are sure to help you.

About Author: you can visit my profile to see more answers.