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September 2019


Something I found on Facebook today. Quite an interesting piece and I will like to share it for all to read: Dr Anthony Ofosu- Deputy Director Ghana Health Service In our lives, we make a lot of assumptions, some based on experience and some based on just good faith. I have over the years operated […]

9+ Health Benefits of Mangoes

If you enjoy delicious and juicy mangoes every season, you probably do not think about the enormous health benefits that come with every mouthful. A common nickname for mangoes is actually “the king of fruits”. In addition to the sweet and delicious taste of mangoes, they also contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and […]

Taking Medication with Fruit Juice can be Dangerous! Here is Why

A recent review investigated drug interactions caused by fruit juices and reported the interactions that could be beneficial and harmful. A few years ago, researchers discovered that blood pressure medications worked differently when they were taken with grapefruit juice. In some of the cases, the combination led to serious effects. Many case reports show that an increasing […]