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May 2020


Precisely what is USDA Certified Organic Castor Oil? It is vegetable oil produced from the seeds of the Castor Oil plant which is known as Ricinus communis. The castor-oil plant is mostly grown in Africa, South America, and India. Out of the three, India is referred to as the world leader in Organic Castor Oil production. The China […]

Technology Innovation, The Future Of Osteoarthritis Treatment

Technological innovation plays a major part in the treatment and cure of chronic diseases. The continuous introduction of technology in the management of the osteoarthritis have improved the well-being of patients suffering from the incurable diseases. Technology In Osteoarthritis Treatment Many technologies have come up that have been used to treat the different symptoms of […]

7 Things You Should Avoid If You Have G6PD Deficiency

Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase or G6PD deficiency is a hemolytic anemia (anemia secondary to excessive red blood cell breakdown) secondary to a decreased amount of G6PD, an enzyme in the red blood cells. Fortunately, most people with G6PD deficiency only have severe hemolysis when exposed to a certain medications or foods. Let’s review some of the common […]

How to Explain G6PD Deficiency to A Mum

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, or G6PD deficiency for short, is the most common “inborn metabolic disorder” in the world. This means that from the time a baby is born, there is already something wrong with how his body makes and breaks important substances. According to statistics, about 400 million people have G6PD deficiency, and it is […]