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Health Education

Are febrile convulsions dangerous? 

Dr Ofosuaa Okaikoi Comment: “Are you not scared of febrile seizures?”  Answer: “Febrile seizures cannot be prevented by giving the child lukewarm baths, applying cool cloths to the child’s head or body, or using fever-reducing medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Doing these things may make a feverish child feel better, but they DO NOT […]

What to Know About a Job in Health Information Management

Health information is the data related to a person’s medical history, including symptoms, diagnoses, procedures, and outcomes. Health information records include patient histories, lab results, x-rays, clinical information, and notes. A patient’s health information can be viewed individually, to see how a patient’s health has changed; it can also be viewed as a part of a […]

How Much Does Liver Cost?

What at all will make one look for how much does liver cost? Well, it could be that you are looking for one for yourself or a relative to extend their lives. In theory, if you could collect every organ and chemical in your body, you could make $ 45 million! In reality, however, the […]

Health Job Descriptions

Doctors and nurses regardless of their specialties are in the business of saving lives. Each one of them has a responsibility to the patients and to give you a better understanding of some of these positions, here are a few health job descriptions. If you see a doctor, the first person that will greet you […]

Making a Career from Medical Education

You can have a career from medical education. This is because there is a demand for health worker as more hospitals are springing up and those who have been doing this for years are almost or have already reach retirement age. This means that there is a need for fresh faces to take their place. […]

Benefits of Choosing a Health Field Career

Choosing a career in the health field is one of the best options available for most people these days because of the job security, possible career advancement and other intangible factors for job satisfaction in this type of decision. Naturally, there are certain training and certifications required before consideration of eligibility for the different careers […]