Conventional, Versus Wellness Approach, To Health

What we see as the conventional approach to health in the United States differs in many ways from the way most of the rest of the world views and approaches the concept. Many seem to think using a conventional approach means using Allopathic Medicinewhich includes a primary focus on chemically manufactured prescriptions and treatments, while in most other countries this approach includes both allopathy, as well as alternative remedies and treatments. Which path is best for you depends on your specific mindset, attitude, general health, condition, beliefs, etc. With that in mind, this article attempts to briefly look at, examine, review, and discuss the different approaches, and some of the different pros and cons.

1. Normal approach: The disadvantage of the so-called conventional approach is that it often pays more attention to the symptoms than to all possible causes and so on. He treats ailments, usually by using a chemical drug to relieve the discomfort and treat ailments. It is important to recognize that diseases and conditions should be classified as chronic versus acute and life-threatening versus more common conditions. I firmly believe that there are many acute conditions that are best treated with medication, but there are also circumstances where the side effects and potential dangers make it less logical. Obviously, when the disease is life-threatening, such as cancer, serious organ problems (like pneumonia, liver problems, etc.), they need immediate and dramatic treatment, while at other times it may make more sense to take an alternative approach.

2. Alternative approach: Many use methods such as reikiAcupuncture, Ayurvedic, homeopathy, herbal remedies, vitamins and dietary supplements etc. as an essential part of maintaining their overall health. These often boost our immunity and what we call resistance. However, one must be careful to do so in consultation with a qualified, open-minded healthcare professional who is able to use both approaches. Don’t go without any prescribed medication without first discussing it thoroughly with your doctor! Know the risks and benefits.

3. Wellbeing: A smart, seamless amalgamation of conventional and alternative treatments is often the wisest approach. In most other parts of the world, non-chemical approaches are used before conventional ones to minimize overuse and dependency and minimize side effects and try to boost our body’s immunity and immune system. This is the essence of a wellness program in which we proceed and take advantage of all the modalities that could enhance and improve our overall health.

Note that you should do your research and consult qualified, trained health professionals to use the best combination. It depends on you!

Thanks to Richard Brody

ApproachConventionalhealthhealth wellness blogWellness