Everything You Need to Know About Holistic Doctors

Holistic practitioners combine modern scientific treatment with complementary or alternative medicine such as massage, acupuncture and chiropractic. The holistic doctor looks at everything and then gives a pharmaceutical option as well as an alternative treatment that could include homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic treatment is not something that many doctors and institutions embrace, but it comes under the umbrella of holistic medicine.

A holistic doctor will most often suggest some diagnostic tests such as hormone levels and adrenal function. This is done to find out if there are any underlying causes that have led to an imbalance. The whole person is involved in the entire healing process in order to achieve optimal health through balance.

Practitioners in this field believe that a person has parts that depend on each other, and when one is not working as it should, all the others are affected. This means that any type of imbalance, regardless of the type, is highly detrimental to overall health.

A good example is a person suffering from migraines. If they decide to see this type of doctor, they may not be just exercising with medication. The doctor will take the time to examine all possible factors that could be causing the headache. He’ll also look for other health issues that might be causing the migraines, including personal issues, stress, sleeping habits, and even diet. Treatment may involve the use of medications and lifestyle changes to ensure the headache does not return.

The Principles

Holistic medicine also believes that unconditional support and love are very powerful healers and that a person is actually responsible for their own well-being and health. Other principles are:

  • The patient is not a disease but a person

  • Everyone has innate healing powers

  • Treatment should include correction, not just treating the symptoms, of course.

  • For healing to be effective, a team approach is required that should involve physician and patient and address all different aspects of the patient’s personal life, using a wide range of healthcare practices.

types of treatment

Various treatment techniques are employed to help patients be responsible and achieve their optimal health. Approaches depend on the practitioner’s training and may include:

  • Education on self-care and lifestyle changes to promote wellbeing, including spiritual counseling, relationship counseling and psychotherapy and even exercise among many others.

  • Alternative and complementary therapies including naturopathy, massage therapy, homeopathy, chiropractic and acupuncture. And so forth

  • Surgical procedures and modern medicine.

Where can you find a holistic doctor?

Holistic providers can include homeopathic doctors, chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, osteopathic doctors, and even doctors. There are various associations that can help you get in touch with such a doctor depending on where you are based. There are lists online that can help you find someone in your area.

Don’t settle for the first person you find. This is a profession like any other, which means there are people who do a better job than others. A recommendation from a trusted source like someone in your area or a credible health organization might be a good idea.

Thanks to Shalini Madhav

alternative medicine dietDoctorsHolistic