Fitbit Tracker – Track the GM Diet

With the dawn of the 20th century, mankind has made a leap and whole-heartedly jumped into the information age. It can be very humbling to see in our lifetime how much technology has enabled humanity to reach its full potential. It almost feels like everyone is struggling to make these technologies possible when we are not using them to enrich our lives.

One of these devices is the Fitbit tracker. One of the first on the market to give a lot of credibility to the notion of actually being a useful wearable device. It has a number of features that make it a pretty effective little health tracker. Starting with the hardware, it’s lightweight and the material used makes it comfortable to wear for long hours. The battery life, being long as it is and requiring charging in a matter of days, is pretty impressive too.

So how does it actually add value?

The tracker is quite innovative when combined with the complementary application on your smartphone. Below are the useful features for health fanatics:

  1. You can enter the food intake with the calorie value of the respective food

  2. Dietary calorie intake during the day can be attributed to calories burned during the day, even without exercise.

  3. Along with basic calorie counting, it takes into account your daily movements like walking, steps, running distance, etc.

  4. In addition to collecting data for physical activity, it also attempts to record your downtime.

Needless to say, the gadget is very effective at capturing valuable information about your daily routine, which it can display in a variety of graphs showing performance over time.

As impressive as these features are, for the average user, the obvious benefit is what makes the sale. So, to test the watch’s features and start your journey to a healthier lifestyle, you can take the GM diet, week-long challenge. The goal here is to test the performance of the clock along with the effectiveness of the nutrition plan. Since this is a short-duration diet that largely mandates the consumption of large amounts of raw foods like fruits and vegetables, it would be easy to track calorie intake and compare it to calories burned during the day. While you’re at it, try some light exercise to see how much better your weight loss efforts work when you increase your physical activity. In any case, this diet should help you lose up to five kilograms in one week. If you decide to increase the duration, try the GM diet only once a month.

Thanks to Mohit Prabhakar

dietFitbithealthy diet blogTrackTracker