Health Care Supplements

Dietary supplements are dietary supplements that the body needs in everyday life. Dietary supplements are made from plant extracts, vegetables, fruits and medicinal herbs. Health care supplements ensure efficacy with minimal or no side effects.

A dietary supplement (also known as a dietary supplement) is a preparation designed to supply nutrients (e.g., vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, or amino acids) that are lacking or not ingested in sufficient quantities in a person’s diet.

“DSHEA” or Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act is a law that defines dietary or nutritional supplements as products for oral consumption that contain ingredients intended to supplement the natural diet. These ingredients may include vitamins, minerals, botanicals (plant extracts), amino acids, or other substances to increase the nutritional value of the food.

Dietary supplements are specially prepared pills, powders, or syrups that provide additional nutritional or medicinal benefits. When taken along with a healthy diet, these supplements can go a long way and provide excellent health benefits

Ensuring the qualities of herbs and their integration with vitamins, minerals and special extracts has led to the birth of these dietary supplements that are in some ways a boon to the medical industry.

Health care supplements are accompanied by a full list of ingredients, uses, and benefits. Minimal or no side effects have made the common man self-sufficient in terms of supplement consumption. In addition to beauty and weight aids, various nutritional supplements also offer highly effective treatment options for a variety of diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, stress, arthritis, high cholesterol, asthma, migraines and many more.

Over-the-counter health care supplements typically claim the presence of key nutrients that promise the product’s effectiveness. Here’s a guide to deciphering what they mean when they say:

1. “Amino acids” – building blocks of protein, the substance that makes up a large part of the human body. They are single protein units

2. “Antioxidants” – substances that block or inhibit free radicals – molecules that accelerate the aging process and contribute to disease.

3. “Minerals” – Natural, inorganic elements such as calcium, iron, selenium and zinc.

4. “Vitamins” — Natural, organic compounds with letter designations (A, B1 through B12, C, D, E, K).

It’s important to consult a doctor before taking any dietary supplements to make sure they don’t interfere with existing medical conditions.

Thanks to Tariq Ansari

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