Lupus Diet Do’s and Don’ts – Nutritional Healing For Lupus

A few years ago I was diagnosed with lupus. I could hardly get out of bed or walk, had difficulty holding a glass of juice due to joint pain, suffered from muscle aches all over my body, had a constant low-grade fever, and itched uncontrollably on my arms with rashes. I made my life new, how I made it new, it was over. I was petrified.
During my first (and last) visit to a rheumatologist, I asked what I could do to support my health or keep my lupus symptoms from getting worse. She casually replied ‘Come back when you’re down and I’ll put you on steroids. I tried to get supporting information and put together a question about nutrition and whether there were any foods I should eat or avoid. Her reply was: ‘Keep eating what you want, it won’t make a difference.
After one more attempt to find something useful to work with to help myself, I realized I was dealing with lupus on my own. In a fit of inner anger at her cold, distant attitude, I decided on the spot that I would cure my lupus (with the added bonus of never having to endure the presence of this “specialist” ever again). I did. I no longer have lupus.
As someone who has cured lupus, I am often asked about the importance of diet. Many people tell me that their doctor also told them that diet doesn’t matter. I ask you to consider this does it matter what you eat, even if you are healthy? Of course it does, and it’s even more important when you’re suffering from an illness!!
In fact, diet is so important that there are many testimonies from others who have been completely cured from a lupus diet alone. Other common serious problems reversed by diet include fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, MS, migraines, allergies and asthma to name a few.
Your diet is a powerful foundation for you to support your health, reduce inflammation and pain, and provide your body with what it needs to begin healing. (For more information on my story and other healing modalities such as nutritional supplements and energy medicine in addition to an essential lupus diet, please visit my website below).
Below are the top 7 lupus diet and lupus diet you don’t need to know to aid in your healing.
The 7 Top Lupus Diet Don’ts

     <li>Don't drink alcohol, soda (aka soda to those in the US!), energy drinks, or other "sour," unhealthy beverages, including purified or public drinking water facilities.</li> 
     <li>Don't eat processed foods or foods with unhealthy preservatives like MSG (which includes most foods in the center islands of major grocery chains).</li> 
     <li>Don't eat red meat.  A little fish like salmon is great, and chicken.  Some can even trigger flare-ups, so be aware of how you're feeling.</li> 
     <li>Avoid fatty foods (such as monosaturated fats, trans fats, saturated fats, and some omega-6 polyunsaturated fats) found in commonly baked, fried, and unhealthy foods.</li> 
     <li>Avoid the 4 white foods, including salt, sugar, white flour (refined carbohydrates and starches), and dairy.</li> 
     <li>Avoid spicy foods.  Spices are known to trigger flares.</li> 
     <li>Avoid artificial sweeteners.  These are toxic and many believe they even cause disease (I agree).  There is no valid reason to use this product and it will not help you lose weight.</li> 
    <strong>The 7 Best Lupus Diet Dos</strong>

     <li>Eat a diet that consists mostly of simple, natural, whole foods like fruits and vegetables in their raw form.</li> 
     <li>Eat easily digestible foods like soaked almonds, soups, fruit/vegetable smoothies, and salads made from natural, raw ingredients.</li> 
     <li>Be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day.  This aids in the elimination of toxic buildup in the body and a faulty digestive process that is common in lupus sufferers.</li> 
     <li>Support your body by supplementing with digestive enzymes and probiotics.  Most lupus patients don't absorb their food and nutrients properly and need extra enzymes to help the healing process.</li> 
     <li>You must be consuming or supplementing with enough essential fatty acids (EFAs).  This will help you reduce inflammation and therefore pain and prevent flare-ups.</li> 
     <li>Avoid foods that cause food intolerance or allergies.  You need to be tested to be sure your body has specific needs.  Some tests do not indicate food intolerance (e.g. to sugar, salt, etc.).  Therefore, keep a diary of your body's reactions to food.</li> 
     <li>Eat a varied diet rich in alkaline, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory foods.  Always clean your food well (including organic food).</li> 

    The lists above are the basic principles that your lupus diet must follow.  There are many, many other peculiarities of a <a target="_new" rel="nofollow noopener" href="">Lupus Diet and Nutrition</a> which can and will support your body's homeostasis and healing process.
    As you may have learned, your doctor will not give you a healing program, so you must find your way to learning how to work with your body during a healing crisis.  There are many, many answers to help you reduce your lupus symptoms or even reverse them altogether.  Your diet for lupus should be the first line of defense.
    <b>Some of the benefits you will soon experience from a lupus diet are:</b>

     <li>Reduced inflammation, pain and swelling</li> 
     <li>Less muscle pain, tissue damage and organ stress</li> 
     <li>Significantly increased energy and endurance</li> 
     <li>Increased mobility</li> 
     <li>Reduced body fat</li> 
     <li>Relief from constipation, bloating and irregularities</li> 
     <li>Improved memory and cognitive functions</li> 

    ... Just to name a few!
    There's no question about what we eat, how we feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and how well our immune systems are functioning to help us heal.  Support yourself with highly nutritious foods that <i>Work with your body and immune system</i>, not against.  A car can only run on dirty oil so long before it burns out.  Don't let that happen to your body.
    <b><i>The body is better able to heal itself when you eat foods that support the immune system and the healing process and avoid foods that disrupt the immune system.</i></b>
    <p>Remember, curing lupus is possible.  Learn how to implement proper lupus nutrition, supplements, and other natural modalities that support the healing process by visiting my website below.</p> 

Thanks to Stacey Becker

dietdiet & healthDontsDosHealingLupusNutritional