Plan your support systems, especially if you have an older child.

Although you have already been through pregnancy and childbirth. Being aware of the changes ahead and helping your older child understand what to expect is the best way to prepare for this joyful event.

Understand your first child’s needs before it is born so that you can systematically organize everything.

  1. Encourage your toddler to socialize and play with other children, perhaps in a playgroup. This will help your child develop the social skills they need to have a good relationship with their new sibling.
  2. Let your elders help you as you cannot look after both of them at the same time. Explain to your older children your older child’s eating and sleeping times, likes and dislikes so that they can take care of them accordingly.
  3. Remind visitors to take care of your older child, not just the baby.
  4. Point out the benefits of having an older child, such as: B. Choosing what to eat, going to the park and playing, and having friends.
  5. If you don’t have help from family elders, hire a nanny a few months before the delivery so your child and nanny can get to know each other



Dr. Y. Alekhya

Thank You For Reading!
