Precautions And Treatment For Acne Prone Skin

Acne is the most common of all skin problems. Eighty percent of the population, both men and women suffer from this problem. In many cases, acne may break out and then go away on its own, but in other cases, special treatment may be needed. You may have seen people avoid parties or social gatherings when they have acne. They actually shy away from confronting colleagues and friends.


The skin pores, which have a sebaceous gland at their root, act as a trigger for impurities. The number of these pores is greatest around the nose, neck, cheeks and chin. Hence, these areas are more prone to outbreaks. These sebaceous glands play a role in secreting a certain amount of sebum in their normal functioning. Due to some factors (puberty, hormonal imbalance, improper diet, etc.) the secretion of these glands can increase and attract microbes that cause infections that generally appear in the form of redness followed by pimples or breakouts.

Causes of acne:

There is no specific reason or age for this skin problem to occur, but young adults going through puberty are said to be most affected. During this phase, androgen secretion increases, which increases sebum secretion, thus leading to frequent breakouts. Adults past this age may also complain of this problem at some point. Acne results from some sort of imbalance in normal skin physiology. This imbalance can be caused by lifestyle changes, wrong eating habits, stress, unhygienic environment, etc. Therefore, there is no single reason for these outbreaks. Regardless of the cause, these acne must be treated timely and properly, otherwise they would lead to scars that are difficult to heal.

Some tips to avoid breakouts:

• Maintain good hygiene – it is recommended to wash the vulnerable or affected area several times a day with lukewarm water and a gentle facial cleanser.

• Some people are said to get acne (allergic reaction) after eating certain foods. Such foods must be observed and henceforth avoided.

• Aside from the daily routine of properly cleansing your skin, you also need to make sure you exercise every day. This helps boost immunity and the body’s self-cleansing system.

• Particular attention must be paid to avoiding infection during the rainy season and summer, when the number of bacteria in the atmosphere is greatest and their likelihood of attaching themselves to the skin due to sweat and humidity is also greatest.

• You should include plenty of water and fresh fruit juices in your diet as they help flush toxins from the body.

• Emotional stress has been found to be a major cause of acne. Therefore, one must always try to live a stress-free life. Enjoy and make the most of your life.

• After a breakout has occurred, never scratch the area with nails or scrub. It must be washed with some anti-acne gel or soap and the area must be kept dry and clean. The acne will clear up on its own within 2 or 3 days.

• If you have sensitive skin, avoid using harsh chemical-based products as they can worsen the condition.

• Acne is generally associated with oily skin, so use water-based cosmetics and skin care products instead.

Thanks to Naomi Andrews

acnePimples & Skin CarePrecautionsProneskinTreatment