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Normal Aging is Not Disease – Adult Health and Wellness

Physiological changes that occur with age do not necessarily cause disability. Aging does not necessarily lead to decreases in heart function, bone density, muscle strength, cognitive ability and memory, sexual desire and activity, physical and social functioning, nor does aging guarantee increases in blood pressure, cholesterol, and the anemia. However, there are some inevitable changes […]

Predictors of Healthy Aging – Adult Health and Wellness

There seems to be a formula for healthy aging suggested by the latest research on centenarians and research comparing people in their 20’s to 40’s to those in their 60’s to 90’s. Some of the predictors of healthy aging are: physical, intellectual, emotional, relational, spiritual and sexual. Maintaining health and well-being in any of these […]

Aging is Inevitable – Adult Health and Wellness

Aging is inevitable While aging is inevitable, it’s not how we look, feel, and deal with it as we age. Aging affects each of us at different rates and in different ways. Even within the same individual, each organ and organ system ages differently, influenced by genetics, environment, lifestyle, attitudes, social networks, spiritual connections, and […]

Emotional Upsets As We Age – Adult Health and Wellness

As we get older, we are more likely to eventually experience emotional upsets, losses, and changes. Many of us go from full-time busy workers or full-time parents to part-time workers, empty nesters and grandparents to full-time retirees, with or without a life partner, adequate financial resources, secure housing, or a network of close family and […]