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antepartum depression

How Harmful is Multiple Pregnancy?

Multiple Pregnancy Definition: A multiple pregnancy is a pregnancy in which more than one fetus develops in the uterus at the same time. Multiple pregnancies occur in 1-2% of pregnancies. If you really want to know about multiple birth, you must overcome the basics. This informative write-up describes what you need to know about multiple gestation. There used to be a theory that […]

Eating to Conceive

Almost every woman knows that it is important to eat well while you are pregnant. The benefit it provides you and your baby is invaluable. But, do you also know how important it is to eat well even before you get pregnant? If you are actively trying to get pregnant you have to make sure […]

How Depression in Women Affects Mental Health

According to studies, there are more or less 17 million Americans who are suffering from depression annually. Majority of these cases are women. Persistently, it was stated that women suffer more depression than men in terms of time, duration and severity. Depression in women or in men affects their mental health and disregards some of […]