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arthritis hands

Pleural Effusion Causes and Symptoms

Pleural effusion is a buildup of fluid between the membranes covering the lung and the thoracic cavity. Many medical conditions and conditions can cause pleural effusion, including heart failure, pneumonia, infections, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis and tuberculosis. This can also occur due to exposure to asbestos, possibly due to the asbestos-induced inflammation and disease they […]

How To Reduce The Risk Exposure To Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is the disease of the joint that impacts the functioning of the joint. It results from damaging of the cartilage layer that protects the bone ends at the joint. There are many predisposing factors to osteoarthritis such as weight, lifestyle, occupation, heredity among others. Even so, maintaining a healthy joint reduces the risk exposure […]

Bad Habits Related to Health

Bad habits can often damage your health. They can make you feel unwell. They can have long-term effects on your physical condition. If you want to live a long life and a healthy life, there may be some bad habits you need to overcome. Many of the bad habits that make you feel poorly are […]

Lung Fibrosis (Pulmonary Fibrosis) Synopsis

Lung fibrosis is a disease characterized by scarring in the interstitium – the space between the alveoli (lung vesicles) of the lung. This lethal disease is also known by the name of pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial fibrosis, and interstitial pulmonary disease (ILD). Lung fibrosis caused by asbestos is asbestosis. Causes of pulmonary fibrosis […]

Effective way of managing osteoarthritis at home

Some of the treatment methods of osteoarthritis in hospitals are very expensive. There are many ways of managing osteoarthritis at home and continue doing the normal activities with less stress and pain. Even though the home treatments can help, it will require commitment and change of one’s lifestyle. Body health in managing osteoarthritis Weight loss […]

ILD – Interstitial Lung Disease

Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a disease in which scar tissue forms in the interstitium occurs, the interstitial space between the air bags of the lungs (alveoli). The ILD is also known as interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, or interstitial fibrosis. When ILD occurs due to Asbestex position, it is called asbestosis. There […]

Dealing with Arthritic Insomnia

If you are dealing with arthritis, one of the hardest things to deal with is the arthritic insomnia. The sleeping disorder is going to prevent you from getting the rest that you need to stay healthy and this will in return make your arthritis worse. It can be a terrible cycle that you are dealing […]

Learn Rheumatoid Arthritis Update For 2023

Rheumatoid arthritis Update: RA is a chronic, multi system, and inflammatory autoimmune disorder that will bring on an attack to the joints. It is a very crippling and painful condition that can lead to loss of mobility to the pain and joint devastation. Rheumatoid arthritis is systemic and will also affect different tissues through the […]

The Busy Field of Geriatric Physiotherapy Overview

Clinics that specialize in geriatric physiotherapy never run low on work. The elderly have diseases and disorders in greater numbers than any other age group. Their care is difficult, but rewarding. Geriatric physiotherapy became a specialty of physical therapy study in 1989. Since then, physiotherapists have worked to understand the problems of the aging. There […]