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arthritis treatment

How is Osteoarthritis Diagnosis Made?

Even with the existence of symptoms associated with Osteoarthritis, the physician has to exam the patient very well to determine if he/she has Osteoarthritis.  A good Osteoarthritis Diagnosis consists of utilising a combination of physical, lab and historical assessment of the patient. Historical And Symptoms Assessment Of The Patients The information that the physician will […]

Arthritis: History and Treatments

Arthritis was recognized in human in 4500 BC and it has become a major issue ever since then. Treatments may include weight loss, medications, non-pharmacologic therapies, surgery – joint replacement and joint surgery. Overview Arthritis is a very common disease that is not fully understood. In reality, it is not a single disease, rather, an […]

What is Osteoarthritis?

Imagine a life without joint or joint movement. Life can never be the same again.  The joint is core to every movement and activity we undertake.  There are however some health conditions that limits the joint movement through affecting its structure. Arthritis refers to the swelling of the joints which limits its functioning. Many forms […]

Physiotherapy Dubai – Review of A Few Best Physiotherapy Clinics In Dubai

Physiotherapy is that branch of science which deals with our skeletal system, muscular system and nervous system and helps us to remain mobile. After an injury, operation, accident or any severe illness the mobility of a person reduces. Physiotherapists use massages, exercises and sometimes various types of tractions and cardiovascular exercises to bring the patient […]

Arthritic Pain: Here Is What to Do

Having pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. For some people, they say “no pain, no gain” and pain is a sign that they have done something to the point of destruction and the body will let you know this. Most of pain is not that productive. If you are […]

What is Paget’s disease

There are different kinds of arthritic conditions. There are over 100 and one of these conditions is a very debilitating disorder that is called Paget’s disease. This type of arthritis is usually going to affect patients who are in their later years of life. This will be between the ages of 50 and 70. This […]

Have You Heard of Psoriatic Arthritis?

Psoriatic Arthritis is an illness that affects millions of people. There is no cure yet for it. It is known for the swelling of joints and scaly patches of skin. This type of arthritis is related to the skin condition of psoriasis and it also affects millions of people around the world. If you or […]