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Treating Bloating In Cats

Gas in your cat is a physical condition where your kitten has air in their stomach. This article examines some of the causes of feline gas, one of the most common health problems in cats today. Aside from the presence of gas that can be caused by indigestion in the stomach, your cat may experience […]

The 60-20-20 Rule in a Cat’s Natural Diet

Dedicated cat parents would be concerned about the contents of commercial cat food. Oftentimes, first-time cat parents are misguided into buying cat food straight off the grocery aisle without really knowing if it’s good for their pet. There have been many reports that popular cat food brands have been recalled due to some side effects […]

Cats Claw Supplements As Holistic Medicine

Cats Claw is a medicinal herb native to the forest of Peru. It has sparked a lot of interest in finding natural health care. The plant is vital in treating arthritis, allergies, diabetes, bursitis, lupus, chronic fatigue, cancer, depression, herpes, menstrual irregularities, and gastrointestinal disorders. The Peruvian rainforest herb has been used to treat ulcers […]