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chicken pox treatment at home

Chickenpox Relief. You Need it

While having chickenpox isn’t going to make you ill, it can be very annoying. Children often become cranky due to the soreness and the itching caused by the sores on their bodies. To help them be more comfortable there are various types of relief you can get for them at the local store. You won’t […]

Symptoms of Chicken Pox. Be Alert!

If you have been around anyone that gets chickenpox there is a good chance you will get in unless you already have. Since chickenpox are very contagious it is best to stay away from others while you have it. Yet those you have come into contact with even up to three weeks earlier may already […]

Who Can get Chicken Pox?

Chickenpox used to be an ailment that just about every child out there got. We are seeing less and less of it though due to the various vaccines that are offered to protect against it. Chickenpox are harmless but they can be annoying as they leave itchy red spots all over your body. As long […]