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Ear Infections and Traditional Chinese Medicine

The following is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM is based on the observation that everything is a combination of opposites: yin (cold, purifying) and yang (hot, uplifting), many of which we control through diet, exercise, sex, environment, thought, and so on. There are two types of ear infections, inflammation (otitis): external and internal. […]

Natural Health & Healing – Chinese Philosophy of Regeneration and How the Body Heals Itself

The philosophy of regeneration and its three principles: The Chinese studied and understood thousands of herbs and determined their effects on the human body for more than 5,000 years. The philosophy of regeneration was formulated to emphasize what the body needs to restore itself to health. Rather than focusing on any specific ailment, symptom, treatment […]

Introduction to Chinese Remedies For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The use of Chinese remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) draws on years of Oriental tradition of treating individual symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating and constipation, rather than viewing IBS as a single “all-encompassing” condition, as is often the case in Western medical culture. While remedies can include diet and supplements, acupuncture, and lifestyle changes, […]

ADHD Herbal Remedies – Chinese Medicine

The Chinese have a very old medicinal tradition that uses herbs and homeopathic remedies to treat a range of ailments. Unlike Western medicine, which focuses on treating the symptoms with pharmaceutical drugs, Chinese medicine uses natural remedies to restore the flow of energy in the body and rebalance the body’s systems, thereby curing the disease. […]

Chinese Medicine For Fibroids

Contrary to popular belief, Chinese medicine for fibroids is not simply a prescription or recommendation for Chinese herbs that, when ingested, will miraculously cure your fibroids. It is more of a protocol based on the belief that one’s entire life must be balanced and that a body that is out of balance can become ill […]

Chinese Medicine For Weight Loss – Does It Work?

Chinese medicine existed 5,000 years ago. During the time of our Emperor, various herbs were used and tested to provide weight loss benefits. To this day, Chinese herbs, or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), are popular among those who wish to receive healing remedies without dangerous health consequences. This is because these herbs for weight loss […]