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Top Tips for Choosing A Health Spa

Choosing a spa is very different from choosing a beauty salon. Many women and men tend to ask their friends for beauty salon recommendations and feel that they should do the same when choosing a spa. The difference, however, is that a beauty salon includes many beauty treatments and services such as manicures, pedicures, haircuts […]

Choosing Organic Food For a Smaller Carbon Footprint

“Just one 800-acre farm that’s organic is the equivalent of 117 cars being taken off the road, or 1,462,500 miles not being driven!” That’s the conclusion of Chris Hill and Greg Bowman, contributors to the website NewFarm .org of the Rodale Institute, which has done extensive research on the impact of conventional and organic farming. […]

Choosing Whole Grains Over Refined Grains

Whole grains refers to grains composed of all of the original components that were present when it was grown in the field. Refined grains, on the other hand, have had some components removed to give them better texture and longer shelf life. These refined grains are used more often and find their way into our […]

Choosing the Best Dietary Supplements

Trying to get your body in shape is a difficult and demanding task. It takes willpower, time, effort and dedication to achieve the goals you set for yourself. Sure, you’re surrounded by ads and photos of people making it look easy. But you and I both know it’s not easy. So everyone needs a little […]