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Ferret Food – The Pros and Cons of a Raw Diet

The lack of truly ideal ferret food is one reason there is a growing interest in a more natural diet for ferrets. Basic feeding rules Ferrets have unique dietary needs that are now finally being addressed by commercial pet food manufacturers, albeit with mixed success. Ferrets are obligate carnivores, and food passes through a ferret’s […]

Pros and Cons of Eating Nuts

Who says little things can’t be special? At least that’s not the case with nuts. In fact, these little packages are powerhouses of healthy nutrients to add to your daily diet. Despite being super-rich healthy foods, many myths surround them. Despite scientific claims and facts, many people still believe that eating nuts can leave you […]

The Pros and Cons of the Sonoma Diet!

Can you imagine basking in the sun while enjoying a plate full of fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats? Between each portion of food or meal do you sip a good glass of wine and are you aware that you are surrounded by hikers, cyclists and small slopes with olive trees? Well, whether […]

Pros and Cons of a Mirrored Medicine Cabinet

Having a medicine cabinet at home is a very wise decision. The problem can arise when deciding what type of cabinet to get – wood, marble, glass? Each, of course, has its strengths and drawbacks, which will be the basis for your choice. In most apartments, a mirrored medicine cabinet is visible in the bathroom. […]

Grapefruit Diet – Pros and Cons

The grapefruit diet, also known as the Hollywood diet or the Mayo diet, has a long history in the United States. It has existed since 1930 and is still known today as a fast weight loss method in many variations and the only thing that hasn’t changed is half a portion of grapefruit before each […]

Body For Life – Diet Review – Pros and Cons

overview Bill Phillips, a former supplement company owner and magazine publisher, wrote Body for Life: 12 weeks to mental and physical strength Mid 1990s. Phillips, a longtime bodybuilder who published a bodybuilding magazine and owned a supplement company, wanted to bring a bodybuilding program to the masses. The nutrition program recommends eating six small meals […]