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Why The FDA Suppresses Natural Remedies and Cures

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was created to regulate the drugs and food products in America. By examining and regulating these consumables, the FDA controls what products come to market and what medicines doctors can prescribe to patients. Originally designed to protect the health of the consumer base, the FDA has grown into a […]

Natural Cures for Shingles, Herpes Zoster

Herpes zoster shingles is caused by the same virus as chickenpox and is one of the most uncomfortable and painful conditions one can experience. Shingles manifests as a rash on a specific part of the body and is said to develop along nervous ramifications; Along with antiviral treatment, doctors also usually prescribe opiates to help […]

Hydrogen Peroxide Amazing History And Cures

Hydrogen Peroxide is a naturally occurring compound found in nature (oceans, lakes, rivers, rain and snow) and in all life forms. Represented by the chemical formula H2O2. An oxidizing agent used in many household products such as all-purpose disinfectants, non-chlorine bleaches, fabric stain removers, contact lens disinfectants, and hair dye, and a component of some […]

Want Effective Anxiety & Depression Cures? Check Out the Under-Recognized Histamine Imbalances

Histamine and methylation imbalances are an underestimated cause of anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses. When properly diagnosed and treated, histamine imbalances can be very powerful remedies for anxiety and depression. To find out the symptoms of low and high histamine levels, read on. What is histamine? Histamine is best known for its involvement in […]

Radionic Treatments Cures Diabetes

Diabetes is a digestive problem. Logically, once diabetes becomes a genetic problem, it will take a generation or two to remove it from that bloodline. However, a large part of the problem is a modern one. Modern lifestyle has had a major impact on our overall health. Our approach to nutrition and digestion is shocking. […]