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Lessons From a Diabetes Diagnosis

The night I was diagnosed with diabetes I was in the hospital after being hit by a car. Luckily I only had a small fracture in my left arm. The diagnosis of diabetes, Howrvrt, was devastating and was confirmed by a doctor who examined me. He prescribed me[physicaltherapyformyarmThegoodnewswasthatmyarmdidn’thavesurgery!Buttheideaof​​havingtodealwithdiabeteswasworse[hysicaltherapyformyarmThegoodnewswasthatmyarmdidn’tsurgery!Buttheideaof​​havingadeathdealwithdiabeteswasworse[PhysiotherapiefürmeinenArmDieguteNachrichtwardassmeinArmnichtoperiertwurde!AberdieVorstellungsichmitDiabetesauseinandersetzenzumüssenwarschlimmer[hysicaltherapyformyarmThegoodnewswasthatmyarmdidn’tsurgery!Buttheideaofhavingtodealwithdiabeteswasworse It meant endless doctor visits and expensive […]

Diabetes Mellitus Tests to Establish the Diagnosis

Do you suffer from any of these 4Ps symptoms: polyphagia (excessive hunger), polydipsia (excessive thirst), polyuria (frequent urination), or pruritis (itching)? Or do you get sleepy and tired easily? Or do you have some close relatives, your father or mother, uncle and so on with diabetes? Well, you should be aware that you have diabetes […]