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diet and fitness

Dieting, Exercise and Supplements

Everyone wants to live a long, healthy life, and in this day and age, it’s certainly possible. People face many tough decisions when it comes to choosing the best supplements, diet, exercise, and exercise equipment – and who could blame them? Every day the list of best ways to lose weight, build muscle and get […]

Does the Cybergenics Quick Weight Loss Diet Work?

With all the media hype about being skinny, Americans are finding different ways to go about it “ideal” Hollywood body. Americans reportedly spend up to $56 billion each year on weight loss methods and products, including diet pills, programs and even surgery. However, there is a big difference between losing weight because you have to […]

4 Things That Affect Your Health and Fitness

Staying healthy seems to be a challenge for women of this age. That’s because there’s a lot of confusion about what’s safe to eat and what’s not. This confusion comes from too many health and fitness options. In addition, a stressful and extremely busy lifestyle makes it difficult for women to take care of their […]

Women’s Health and Fitness

What happened to women’s health and fitness? Nowadays women live very hectic busy lives, working, shopping, running the household and let’s not forget the most important job of all, being a housewife and mother. Most women don’t have time to think about health and fitness. And when they do, the answer is to join a […]

Jack LaLanne’s Diet and Exercise Routine

Francois Henri LaLanne’s (1914-2011) famous diet and exercise program paved the way for him to become an American health icon. He opened the first public gym in Oakland, California and is best known for his TV show about fitness. But he started out as a kid as a junk food addict until he was embarrassed […]

Ginger and the Candida Diet

Ginger ale soda and ginger snap cookies are two things that probably come to mind when we think of ginger. These are extremely tasty ways to consume ginger, but they are certainly not the healthiest ways to consume it and consuming it this way can be very problematic for those of us following the Candida […]