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Ferret Food – The Pros and Cons of a Raw Diet

The lack of truly ideal ferret food is one reason there is a growing interest in a more natural diet for ferrets. Basic feeding rules Ferrets have unique dietary needs that are now finally being addressed by commercial pet food manufacturers, albeit with mixed success. Ferrets are obligate carnivores, and food passes through a ferret’s […]

Diabetic Cooking – Tips To Help Learn How To Cook This Healthy Lifestyle Called The Diabetic Diet

Many newly diagnosed diabetics, pre-diabetics, and even long-term diabetics dread the thought of learning about diabetic cooking because they believe they will face years of boring and unsatisfying meals that will take away much of the enjoyment from their lives. And unfortunately, many people who have lived with diabetes for years actually lead boring and […]

Diabetic Diet: Can You Eat Popcorn?

Traditional diabetes, endocrinology and care management events no longer make sense: digital and social media are getting big Diabetes, Endocrinology and Nursing Management conferences provide the perfect global platform to promote and showcase the latest innovations and breakthroughs from individuals and groups in medicine and related fields. In today’s age of high-end technology and scientific […]

Diet & Routine For Treating Hiatus Hernia Symptoms

A hiatal hernia (often called hiatal hernia) is a condition where the lower esophagus and part of the stomach slip through the gap in the diaphragm, or where part of the stomach protrudes into the chest cavity alongside the esophagus. Hiatal hernias can be caused by injury or accident, heavy sneezing or coughing, heredity, smoking, […]

Candida Cleanse Diet Detox – 12 Tips for Success

Here are 12 diet tips to help you eat well, cleanse successfully, and make your meals taste great. 1) Remember Always check the ingredients list from anything You shop at the grocery store…MANY foods, including meat, contain added sugars, yeast, and soy products that you wouldn’t expect! As you cleanse candida, remember that fresh and […]