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Cirrhosis of the Liver – A Comparison of Modern (Allopathic) and Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Chronic damage to the liver cells causes inflammation of the liver cells; this usually heals with formation of scar tissue. This gradual degeneration and scarring of the liver is called cirrhosis. This disease is usually caused by chronic viral infections such as hepatitis B and C, fatty liver, alcohol abuse, hereditary metabolic disorders, exposure to […]

Fatty Liver Diet Do’s And Don’ts

In her book, Fatty Liver Diet Guide, senior liver nurse Dorothy Spencer states, “In fact, there is little difference between the normal diet of healthy people and fatty liver patients. The main point is to reduce the fat content and encourage the body to use the calories entirely for energy, so that there is no […]

How Much Does Liver Cost?

What at all will make one look for how much does liver cost? Well, it could be that you are looking for one for yourself or a relative to extend their lives. In theory, if you could collect every organ and chemical in your body, you could make $ 45 million! In reality, however, the […]