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Treating Obesity With Orthomolecular Medicine

Treating and curing obesity and weight problems with common amino acids is the basis of orthomolecular medicine. Large doses of naturally occurring proteins called amino acids can repair the imbalance in the brain and make it malfunction. These amino acids are affordable and used in therapeutic doses that are much greater than amounts typically found […]

Child Obesity: An Overview Of Child Nutrition

Many of us are familiar with the saying “You are what you eat”; yet we choose to ignore. Why do many of us know what we eat is bad for us? Nevertheless, we consume it regularly, sometimes three, four or more times a week. Processed foods and fast food are ubiquitous, and they offer low […]

Child Obesity – Nobody Said Change Was Easy

Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the US. In the United States, more than 3 million cases of childhood obesity occur each year, which can cause serious health problems. Childhood obesity can cause high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Obese children are often the target of bullying and fat shaming, leading to low […]

Lifestyle Changes to Overcome Obesity

Obesity has reached epic proportions worldwide. It’s a condition where your calorie intake is much higher than the number of calories you burn and is commonly caused by factors such as a sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, and lack of sleep, among others. By making simple lifestyle changes, you can beat obesity. Here are some […]

Obesity in Children – Implement Good Eating Habits For a Healthy Lifestyle

Es ist nicht „cool“, dick zu sein, aber das hat eine Fettleibigkeitsepidemie unter der amerikanischen Jugend nicht verhindert. Fettleibigkeit bei Kindern stieg von 5 Prozent im Jahr 1964 auf etwa 13 Prozent im Jahr 1994. Heute liegt sie bei etwa 20 Prozent – ​​Tendenz steigend. Kinder verbringen übermäßig viel Zeit damit, fernzusehen, den Computer zu […]