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Ketogentics – A Real Anwser to Permanent Weight Loss And Acheiving A Healthy Lifestyle

In the United States, the obesity epidemic continues to grow. 38% of our adult population is considered obese. Another 33% of people are considered overweight. This is according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For women, the numbers are even higher. Because of our reproductive bodies, women have other feminine factors that we […]

Reassessing Worksite Wellness After All These Years: Still Medical or Blossoming Into REAL Wellness?

INTRODUCTION One advantage of stayin alive beyond expectations (i.e., reaching a state of perennialhood) is increased wisdom and, sometimes, witnessing desired changes. That’s the hope, in any case, attributable to decades of increasingly prescient observations and greater openness to alternate experiences. What better time than later life to reexamine opinions and beliefs? Why finish with […]

GIA Wellness Review – Is GIA Wellness the Real Deal?

GIA Wellness is the next MLM Home Based Business to join the Network Marketing market. With Alfred Hanser, CEO, Lynda Cormier, President, and Gary Merritt, VP of Operations leading the business, they have a strong team at their disposal to get them off the ground. As they have a small background in some other entrepreneurial […]