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Skin Rashes

What Do You Know About Wheat Allergy

You probably see lots of news, stories, magazines and TV shows about the allergies, horrific allergy stories as a result of the eating certain foods. One such food is wheat. However, while there is indeed such a thing as wheat allergy, this is not a license for you to skip wheat all together when you […]

Is Gluten Allergy Worth The Scare?

The number of the people who had a reaction to gluten, and subsequently completely removed gluten from their diet. But, in some instances unnecessary to stop eating gluten, since a lot of aspects of gluten allergy and intolerance is misunderstood. It is because majority people misunderstand what gluten is. So, here are an explanation what […]

What Not To Do If You Have Dog Allergy

You have a dog, but you have dog allergy? The problem is that you are a big fan of dogs, but you still can not enjoy it because of the allergic symptoms you have when playing or hugging a dog. Nevertheless, the number of breeds that produce very few allergens is very low. What are […]