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About Dietary Supplements – Supplement Safely

Even traditionally trained medical professionals have recognized that everyone needs to take a vitamin supplement. A perfect diet consisting of organic, wholesome foods is not how the average American eats. And even if your diet consists mostly of fruits and vegetables, our soil is so depleted in minerals and nutrients that much of their nutritional […]

Get Back to Nature with an Alternative Health Supplement

With obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and a host of other ailments on the rise, it’s no wonder there are tons of synthetically formulated concoctions out there claiming to help us lose fat, build muscle, boost the immune system, and strengthen the respiratory system efficiency and so on. But with such a quest for healthy bodies, […]

Why Nutritional Supplement?

For the past 50 years or more, the public has been misled into believing that RDA nutrient levels are appropriate. But is it enough to prevent clinically evident nutritional deficiencies? What is RDA? RDA is the recommended daily allowance for the average daily intake, sufficient to meet the needs of almost all healthy individuals in […]