THCB Gang Episode 70, Oct. 28 1:00 p.m. PT – 4:00 p.m. ET – The Health Care Blog

THCB gang

With Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) on Thursday were political advisor / author Rosemarie Day (@ Rosemarie_Day1); Queen of all employer performance questions Jennifer Benz (@Jenbenz); ; passionate activist Casey Quinlan (@MightyCasey); and Suntra Modern Recovery CEO JL Neptun (@JeanLucNeptun).

With bills in Congress and billions of venture capital floating around in healthcare, there was a lot of discussion. We also got into a solid discussion of Medicare Advantage versus traditional FFS. But that’s how it happened Casey Quinlan PEOPLE, Jennifer Benz, Jean-Luc Neptun, MD MBA & Rosemary day We had four people who are either cancer survivors or cancer carers, or both. If you are Adam Pellegrini, Gena cook, Liz Horgan, Maya Said or anyone else who cares about helping people with cancer find their way around the system. The last 10 minutes of it are market research gold for you

You can see the video below and the audio will be on our podcast channel (Apple/Spotify) From Friday – Matthew Holt

Thank You For Reading!
