[Top Tips] Ayurvedic Treatment of Knee Pain – A Holistic Approach

In my professional career as Vaidya, I’ve seen people of all ages dealing with knee pain. It all starts early with the weakening of the joints, which we often ignore for so many years. In our fast paced life, we ignore our joint pain and consider it temporary hurdles that can be overcome within a day or two.

As teenagers, we start to ignore the early signs and keep the minor joint pain and injuries on hold. As we age, the poor condition of the joints worsens and they begin to show some major signs of suffering. These signs can include constant joint pain, problems with random movements, stiffness, swelling, and inflammation around them. This situation also takes the form of a permanent form of disease such as arthritis, etc.

Over time, we accept the painful condition of the joints as part of our lives and begin to live more compromised lives. We are becoming less and less active, we suffer from seasonal changes and as a result develop more diseases of civilization.

We find it hard to accept that it starts at a very young age if we ignore the early signs of toxicity in our bodies. This negligence leads to a more serious and irreversible situation as we get older.

According to Ayurveda, the weakening of the joints is caused by the accumulation of ama (toxins). With this prolonged accumulation of toxins, the joints become inflamed and lose strength over time. It is similar with the knee joint.

The main cause of this knee pain can be an injury, a sudden injury, an overuse injury, an infection, a dislocated kneecap and tendinitis, or inflammatory conditions like arthritis, to name a few.

Some people, as they age, lose the elasticity of their bones, which makes the bones stiff and restricts movement in the knee area. This causes knee pain and swelling.

When using modern allopathic treatment which focuses on treating pain on a superficial level. It doesn’t address the root cause of knee pain for long-lasting benefits.

In my opinion, people with knee pain can benefit greatly from using Ayurvedic treatment. Ayurveda is an ancient herbal science that has proven itself and has no side effects for the end user.

Ayurvedic treatment for knee pain can be focused on two types of problems:

This happens when you have weak and poorly nourished joints. This can cause sudden pops or gradual discomfort in the knees. This can also cause the knee to become immobilized over time. Bone density also decreases, leading to general joint weakness.

This second situation can occur when you have toxins in your body. Ama, also known as toxins, builds up in the joints, causing stiffness and heaviness in the joints. Prolonged accumulation of toxins (ama) leads to swollen and painful joints

Common Indian Home Remedies for Knee Pain

1. A message with pirate oil

Pirant oil a herbal formulation that can be used for acute and chronic knee pain. The formulation of Pirant Oil contains Garlic, Sunthi, Guggul, Pippal and other herbs. This Ayurvedic oil is particularly effective for arthritis sufferers with knee swelling and pain. It plays a key role in neutralizing the toxic effects of ama (toxins), which are a major cause of joint pain. It is recommended to give a message to the sore knee daily and get rid of the Vata Dosha.

It is recommended Pirant tablets in addition to applying oil.

Pirant tablets are intended for people with inflamed joints and pain. In particular, these tablets reduce inflammatory swelling in arthralgic joints and help relax muscles. This is the easiest and most natural way for anyone with knee pain to deal with swollen joints.

  1. Turmeric tablets / turmeric

Turmeric is an Indian spice that is easily available in Indian kitchens. Turmeric contains an important ingredient called curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory benefits for joints and knee pain.

  1. Caramel seeds / ajwain

Caramel seeds provide anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties for arthritis pain. It can help especially in the winter season. You can soak your sore joints easily in warm water with carom seeds. Caramel seed water can also be taken as an anti-inflammatory.

  1. Januvasti

It is an ancient Ayurvedic warm oil treatment that relieves joint pain.

  1. Guggul / Commiphora Mukul

This herb is found in the gum of the mukul tree and is known as the guggul. This extract, when used regularly, promotes healthy tissue and rejuvenates it by eliminating toxins.

  1. ginger

This potent root is also found and used in kitchens around the world. Daily consumption of ginger offers antiseptic properties that help reduce joint pain, swelling, and inflammation. It can be easily used in tea, consumed in powder form, applied to your joints in paste form, and also used in oil form.

  1. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an ancient Ayurvedic herb used in various Ayurvedic medicines. This herb has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that act as an immunomodulatory system. With regular use, it strengthens the joints and bones.

  1. Kutaja

This Ayurvedic herb offers amazing pain relief properties. This herb can benefit people with chronic knee pain.

  1. Shatavari

This herb offers anti-inflammatory and lubricating properties for sore joints, including knees.

  1. Naag Kesar

Joint and knee pain are mainly caused by a Vata imbalance in the body. The Nagkesar herb or its oil helps relieve bone and joint pain when applied to the affected area. Using Nagkesar or its oil helps reduce joint pain by balancing Vata due to its Ushna (hot) potency.

  1. eucalyptus

The use of eucalyptus oil to treat arthritis pain is common and is also used for knee pain relief. It helps in reducing the swelling of the knees and ultimately provides pain relief.

  1. Shallaki

This herb helps keep your joints strong and relieves them of pain. It relieves pain, reduces swelling, and helps make the joint more flexible. It’s usually available in the form of oil that can be applied directly to the knees or other aching joints.

  1. Dashmool

“Dashmool” means a combination of 10 herbs or 10 roots, 5 of which are roots from trees and 5 from shrubs. This combination of herbs is especially effective for inflammatory conditions in the body or Vata Rog. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, and soothing properties that help with joint pain.

  1. Nirgundi

Nirgundi is one of the most widely used herbal remedies for sore knees and joints. The plant is readily available and is known to reduce swelling as well as excessive pain. Its powerful anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and antioxidant properties help the joints in many ways. The leaves, stems, and seeds of the plant are useful for their medicinal value. Nirgundi extract oil can be applied directly to the painful knees. It can also be applied directly to the joints in paste form.

Knee pain treatment with Ayurveda:

Here are some common questions many of you will ask. Let’s answer them one by one.

Q. What is the home remedy for knee pain?

A. Some things that can provide instant relief are-

  • Give your knee some rest.
  • Using ice to reduce swelling,
  • You can wear a compression / support bandage
  • Keep your knee up
  • Don’t overlook your weight.

Q. Which Ayurvedic Oil is Best for Knee Pain?

A. A tried and tested Ayurvedic oil for knee pain is Pirant oil. This oil relaxes muscles and reduces inflammatory swelling. Pirant oil is recommended to prevent these type of joint problems as it helps calm Vata dosha.

Q. Can knee pain be cured permanently?

A. It all depends on the underlying medical condition that caused knee pain. You will need a thorough examination of your knee and the extent of the damage it has suffered. The Vaidya can only suggest a more stable and long-term solution after a thorough analysis.

Q. Which oil is best for knee pain?

A. Any Ayurvedic formulation that contains natural herbs is best for knee pain and any type of joint pain. It helps in reducing the swelling on the joint and provides you with long-term pain relief. One such formulation is the Pirant oil this helps in reducing the ama in the inflamed joints.

Q. Do I need Ayurveda consultation for knee pain?

A. Yes, it is always recommended to consult a Vaidya or certified Ayurvedic practitioner to analyze the depth of the injury or knee condition. Based on your pain history and other health conditions, Vaidya will prescribe the best treatment available.

We offer advice from trained Vaidyas who are trained in the technology of pulse diagnosis. Book your consultation now!!

Q. How can I treat osteoarthritis with Ayurveda?

A. Ayurveda offers an in-depth treatment of the causes of osteoarthritis that is free from side effects. This treatment helps reduce pain, inflammation, swelling, and toxins (ama) from the inside out, keeping you in good shape over the long term

Q. What should I do if I have a cracking noise in my knee while trying to move?

A. You need to aim at repairing the sore knee and strengthening it from the inside out. You can use the … Pirant oil to reduce pain and swelling in the knee. You must also take Ayurvedic to reduce the toxins in the body that weaken the knees Pirant tablets. These will help you reduce inflammation and swelling.

Q. I find it very difficult to switch from a sitting position to a standing position. What should I do?

A, you are facing the problem of a weak knee joint. If you don’t care for it properly, you can further hurt it. When faced with sore joints, you can try Ayurvedic treatment Pain Relief Combination from Maharishi Ayurveda. It will help you reduce the pain and swelling, which will allow you to move comfortably.

Thank You For Reading!

Reference: maharishiayurvedaindia.com