Arowana Food Part 2

Arowana Food: Fish

There are quite a lot of fish on the market that can be used as arowana feed. As long as the fish isn’t poisonous or poisonous and is smaller than the arowana you’re feeding it to, it’s okay for your pet to eat it. However, there are still dangers that come with including fish in your Arowana’s diet. This and other facts about fish as arowana food will be discussed in this article.

As mentioned above, arowanas could be fed copious amounts of fish. The most common of these are small catfish, baby catfish, baby koi, meadow fish and feeder goldfish. However, as mentioned earlier, there are risks involved in using fish in your arowana regimen. Because they are water-based, there is a greater chance of infection. Also, some of these fish have high levels of cholesterol, which leads to eye drops in Arowanas. Nutritional deficiencies are also a common consequence of using goldfish as an arowana food because of some of its enzymes. Therefore, goldfish is not really a good food choice for arowanas.

However, if you do plan on including live fish in your Arowana’s diet, you must always remember to keep these fish away for at least five days to ensure they are safe to eat before feeding them to your Arowana. In order for your Arowana to get more nutrients, you can feed these forage fish first before giving them to your Arowana. This method can also be used when trying to pass medicine to your pet fish.

In summary, using live fish as arowana food is fine as long as you keep in mind the dangers involved. Remember to quarantine them before use and avoid using feeder goldfish. Finally, vary what you feed your Arowana to keep them healthy at all times.

Arowana Food: Live Shrimp

Among the many arowana foods available, live shrimp or, more simply, shrimp, will be discussed in this article. As with the various other foods that arowanas can eat, there are pros and cons to feeding your arowana shrimp. You can find out exactly what these are here.

One of the advantages is the fact that shrimp, like all other crustaceans, are a very good source of food. However, there are also disadvantages to using shrimp as arowana food, just like the other critters an arowana will eat. Just as you would with any other live food, it is important to hold the shrimp for at least five days before feeding them to your arowana to ensure they are clean and disease free. Another downside to using live shrimp is that if left in your aquarium, your arowana will tend to persistently chase them down, a cause of the drop eye problem in arowanas.

Finally, you should not feed these crustaceans to Arowana when they are still in their earliest stages of development. This is because the carcasses of the shrimp are very difficult for the Arowana baby’s digestive system to decompose, causing them stomach discomfort. Despite this, shrimp are still rich in vitamin A, the vitamin that enhances and enhances the color of arowanas, so it’s still a good food source.

Now you know the pros and cons of using live shrimp as your arowana feed. If you’re thinking twice about what to feed your pet arowana, look back at this article and read what you read. Shrimp are a good source of vitamin A, but their constant use can lead to a teardrop eye problem. So, alternate between shrimp and the other foods available to arowanas and you can rest assured that you can raise your pet with ease.

Arowana Food: The Basics

An arowana needs to be fed a variety of arowana foods so that the likelihood of malnutrition can be reduced. Also, an arowana must never be overfed. This causes an arowana to lose the desire to eat, which in turn causes it to starve itself for a long time. This is also one of the reasons for the dwindling life expectancy and reproductive ability of an arowana.

The size of an Arowana also needs to be considered when trying to know how much to feed them. Arowana food must be given three times a day if the arowana is less than 6 inches in length. Conversely, an arowana measuring between 6 and 14 inches must eat two meals in a 24-hour period. Eventually, when the arowana has reached its peak size of over 14 inches, it only needs to be fed once a day.

In their natural habitat, an arowana’s diet includes beetles, worms, crustaceans, small amphibians, and fish. However, in captivity, owners may choose to train their arowana to accept artificial food. However, to ensure an Arowana stays healthy when you make him your pet, the above should remain in his regimen as a staple.

There are additional nutrients in organic food, but there are also dangers associated with the decision to feed the latter to your Arowana. Disease can get into your aquarium through the things you put in it. To avoid the latter, withhold live food for a few days before letting your arowana eat it.

These are just the basic things you need to know when it comes to arowana foods. To ensure you fully understand what to feed your pet arowana, read on about the different types of bugs, worms, crustaceans, small amphibians, and fish that can feed them.

Thanks to Robert Khaw

alternating dietArowanaFoodPart