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Dr Frank Dartey

Dr Frank Dartey Amankonah (MBChB, MPH) is a Medical Doctor and avid fan of information sharing. With an excellent clinical experience and fantastic customer care, I am able to break down complex medical information for everyone to understand and appreciate. Interests includes Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety, Pregnancy, Weight Loss and Alternative medical sciences. Do feel free to get in touch!

Natural Cures for Shingles, Herpes Zoster

Herpes zoster shingles is caused by the same virus as chickenpox and is one of the most uncomfortable and painful conditions one can experience. Shingles manifests as a rash on a specific part of the body and is said to develop along nervous ramifications; Along with antiviral treatment, doctors also usually prescribe opiates to help […]

Pig farming: I Dont Approve!

Many people reject eating pork and other meats derived from pigs for religious reasons or health reasons. When people start eating a more vegetarian diet, red meat is usually the first thing they eliminate from their diets. When they do, various health indicators generally start to improve, such as their cholesterol levels and blood pressure […]

Must-Try Vegetarian Recipes for Healthy Snacking

Starting a healthier lifestyle means adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet. While meat isn’t completely off the table, most healthy eaters prefer vegetables and grains in their daily meals. You can start small by snacking on nutritious dishes made only from fresh fruits and vegetables. So clear out your fridge and kitchen and […]

Step On It, St Helena! Walking to Stay Fit

Enjoy your freedom in St Helena! Fitting a walk or other lower level activity into your day-to-day life can make a major contribution to keeping you well and reducing your risk of the common chronic illnesses that affect people on our Island, such as type-two diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and the majority of cancers. Research […]