Healthy Diet Plan for a Healthy Life

A healthy eating plan means a balanced eating plan. A balanced nutrition plan is the key to a healthy diet. Staying healthy is the best thing you can do for yourself. When you eat what you need and nothing extra, you not only give your body the nutrients it needs, but you also save your body the trouble of digesting unwanted food.

A healthy eating plan involves eating green vegetables, fruits, and other foods. You have to keep in mind that if you want to eat healthy, you have to cut out all that junk food.

Good nutrition plan

A healthy eating plan isn’t about eating x,y,z and just x,y,z. It means eating what works for you.

  • Eat Green Vegetables: It is important to eat green vegetables in order to provide your body with essential minerals, vitamins and enzymes that help your body function better. Vegetables are also low in calories.
  • Fruit: Eating fruit can help satisfy your sugar cravings for the day and provide you with essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Nuts: The oil that you get from almonds is very important for the functioning of your body.
  • Fish: Fatty fish oil like omega-3 is very important for your body.
  • Breakfast: A healthy breakfast of two eggs is important as the first meal of the day gives you the energy you need to get your day off to a good start.
  • Eat Smaller Meals: Smaller meals that you can sustain for three hours are important as they can help you avoid gaining extra weight.

By incorporating this into your eating plan or replacing your current diet with the above items, you can create a healthy eating plan. Thinking about what you eat and when you eat and how much you eat gives you a healthy body. It’s not easy to say eating 200g of meat or drinking 2 glasses of milk a day because what works for you may not work for someone else.

balancing act

It’s important to balance your daily intake of protein, fat, carbohydrates and calories as too much of each is not good.

  • Too much protein per day can have bad effects on your liver, so eating as much as you need, which is about 1 gram per pound of body weight per day, is healthy, and more than that will damage your liver. Also, remember to drink plenty of water.
  • Fat burns fat. Yes, that’s right, and did you know that your body needs a certain percentage of fat to function optimally? Eating fat does not make you fat. So include some fat in your diet, say about 15% of your daily food intake has to be fat.
  • Carbs early in the day are good and late in the day are bad because you can gain fat if you have it later in the day and it’s good earlier in the day.
  • Calorie intake must be limited as too much will cause you to gain fat.

So these are the tips for a healthy eating plan.

Thanks to Rob WH Harris

dietdiet healthy dietHealthyLifePlan