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diet healthy diet

Bodybuilding Diet Plan – Uneducated Nutrition Habits

Creating a bodybuilding nutrition plan can be a difficult area for a beginner nutritionist. In modern society, many nutritional myths are considered the societal norm. Children grow up in a society where most of the foods they consume are loaded with sugar and preservatives. Parents pass their untrained eating habits on to their children at […]

2000 Calorie Diet Menu and Meal Plan

The 2000 calorie diet plan limits a person’s daily food intake to 2000 calories. This is almost the normal amount of calories a person consumes in a day. But the difference between a 2000-calorie diet plan and a regular daily diet is that a diet plan’s 2000 calories come primarily from fruits, vegetables, nuts, and […]

Signs That Your Body Needs A Diet

I know some of you will look at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself, “I look healthy, but I don’t think I need to be on a diet program”. The truth is, although health is usually seen from the outside, most of what happens inside our bodies. Many people in North America see […]

Somersize – Explaining the Diet and Getting Support

When you hear someone say “I Somersize,” you might be wondering what they mean by that. It can get even more confusing when you find out that the term is directly related to popular actress Suzanne Somers. When people say they’re Somersize, they’re talking about a specific way of eating to lose and maintain weight […]

Diet Pills – Yes or No?

Obesity is the most important factor behind many diseases, including metabolic disorders and cardiovascular diseases. Obesity is nothing short of a bane because once you start gaining weight it becomes so difficult to get back in shape. Rigorous workouts, tons of diet plans, special trainers and more, but you still won’t find yourself in perfect, […]