Important Fibroid Facts – What is a Fibroid, Symptoms, Risk Factors & Alternative Treatment Method?

When fibroids were diagnosed before deciding to have fibroid surgery, I felt it was important to understand the following

a) What is a fibroid?

b) What are the normal symptoms of fibroids?

c) Risk factors for fibroids

d) Alternative treatment of fibroids

In this article, I will share with my readers information that I have personally gathered to answer the above questions

What is fibroid?

These are solid growths of muscle tissue in the uterus. Also known as tumors, fibroids, or leiomyomas, affects nearly half of all women over forty.

What are the normal symptoms of fibroids?

Symptoms of fibroids vary based on location, size, and complications. Every fourth affected woman has to accept abdominal bleeding. Pain, infertility or recurrent miscarriages, back pain and urinary problems are the other common symptoms of fibroids.

Risk factors for fibroids

a) It develops more often in women who start menstruating at a younger age.

b) Black women are two to three times more likely to be diagnosed with fibroids than white women.

c) The incidence of fibroids is greater in women who have never had children than in women who have had children.

d) Obese or overweight women are more likely to suffer from these tumors.

e) The growth is genetic and women are twice as likely to develop it if it runs in the family.

f) Women who have gone through menopause are less likely to be diagnosed.

Alternative treatment for fibroids

A hormonal imbalance is the most likely cause of these tumors in the majority of women. Therefore, funds aimed at restoring normal hormonal balance are very useful in reducing the severity of symptoms of fibroids. Alternative medicine advocates reducing the xenoestrogens we put into our bodies to naturally treat fibroids. Xenoestrogens usually come from pesticides that are sprayed into most fruits and vegetables and from the growth hormones that are commonly found in dairy and meat products.

Natural fibroid treatment also places great emphasis on maintaining body weight to avoid the estrogen-progesterone imbalance. However, don’t make the mistake of dieting on your own, as low-fat diets actually sabotage hormone levels.

It is best to pursue alternative treatment for fibroids under the guidance of a qualified health practitioner. I got rid of my fibroids using a 7-step uterine fibroid treatment plan developed by an alternative health practitioner. This plan is available in downloadable form and has provided thousands of women around the world with herbal remedies for fibroids.

Thanks to Joan Wilson

Alternativealternative medicine dietampFactorsFactsFibroidImportantMethodriskSymptomsTreatment