Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is defined as an abnormal sound heard in the ear; this can be of different kinds, e.g. B. ringing, buzzing, hissing, chirping or whistling. The sound can be continuous or intermittent and may or may not be associated with hearing loss. Mild tinnitus may present as a minor irritation, while severe forms of tinnitus can cause severe physical and psychological distress, resulting in impairment of interpersonal relationships and quality of life.

Tinnitus can have multiple causes and aggravating factors. Causes include excessive buildup of earwax; ear or sinus infections; sudden or prolonged exposure to loud noises; Meniere’s disease (a disease of the inner ear), otosclerosis (hardening of the middle ear bones); neck and jaw problems; neck and head injury; certain diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, allergies, anemia, hypothyroidism and diabetes; natural aging (due to hardening of the arteries and degeneration of the sensory hairs in the inner ear); and medications such as aspirin, certain antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, quinine drugs, and some diuretics. Aggravating factors include fatigue, stress, smoking, and consumption of alcohol or caffeinated beverages.

Because there is no single drug known to work specifically for tinnitus, the standard treatment for this condition is to seek out and treat all known causes of the condition. This may include wax removal; antibiotic drops and oral medications for infections; medical and surgical treatment of trauma, tumors and otosclerosis; specific treatment of independent medical problems that may be the cause of tinnitus; and avoiding medications that can cause or worsen this condition. Low doses of anti-anxiety and antidepressants have been shown to help some people. Occupational exposure to very loud noises can be reduced by using sound masking devices. Tinnitus effects can also be mitigated through tinnitus training therapy, cognitive therapy, and biofeedback. Spontaneous resolution of tinnitus is observed in a few individuals; On the other hand, in some sufferers, despite elimination of all known causes and appropriate treatment, it may not be eliminated or reduced.

Individuals with tinnitus who are unresponsive to standard treatments and those with poor quality of life due to its severity are suitable candidates for Ayurvedic herbal treatment. The primary pathophysiology of tinnitus involves degeneration and dysfunction of the sensory hairs in the inner ears and a distorted auditory input to the brain. This pathology can be effectively reversed or minimized using herbal medicines that strengthen and tone the inner ear components and modulate auditory nerve impulses. An added bonus is that most of these herbs also serve to reduce stress and fatigue, which are known to aggravate or increase the effects of tinnitus.

Specific causes of tinnitus also need to be addressed with additional Ayurvedic treatment. In the case of otosclerosis, herbal medicines are used to reduce calcification and make the middle ear bones more flexible and responsive to sound waves. In Meniere’s disease, Ayurvedic medicines are used to reduce pressure and fluid overload in the inner ears. In people with a known history of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, herbal medicines are given to reduce atherosclerosis and hardening of the arteries and make blood vessels more elastic. Some people with severe tinnitus have a history of severe allergies, and herbal treatment for them results in a significant improvement in tinnitus symptoms.

Several people with tinnitus benefit from the use of Ayurvedic tonics known as Rasayanas, which improve digestion and tonify the body’s metabolism at both the tissue and cellular levels. The use of medicinal oils as ear drops in tinnitus treatment is controversial and contraindicated, especially in people with perforated eardrums. However, this treatment has a place in softening impacted wax; Treatment of hardened and hypersensitive eardrums; and as adjunctive therapy in the elderly. Medicated oils must be selected and used where indicated based on their properties and recommended uses. Some are mild and have a calming and restorative effect, while others are strong and irritating or energizing.

Depending on the severity and cause of the tinnitus, those affected may respond differently to the treatment; However, most patients experience significant relief or healing from this condition within 4 to 6 months of treatment. Ayurvedic herbal treatment can thus be used effectively in the treatment and treatment of tinnitus.

Thanks to Abdulmubeen Mundewadi

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