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Cirrhosis of the Liver – A Comparison of Modern (Allopathic) and Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Chronic damage to the liver cells causes inflammation of the liver cells; this usually heals with formation of scar tissue. This gradual degeneration and scarring of the liver is called cirrhosis. This disease is usually caused by chronic viral infections such as hepatitis B and C, fatty liver, alcohol abuse, hereditary metabolic disorders, exposure to […]

Ayurvedic Approach for a Healthy Heart

We live in the 21st century and if we say that today the pace of life has gained momentum and life has become very demanding, then that is not wrong. Today, life in developed countries and especially in big cities has become a challenge that has to be faced on a daily basis. No one […]

Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is defined as an abnormal sound heard in the ear; this can be of different kinds, e.g. B. ringing, buzzing, hissing, chirping or whistling. The sound can be continuous or intermittent and may or may not be associated with hearing loss. Mild tinnitus may present as a minor irritation, while severe forms of tinnitus […]

Shad Rasa: The Ayurvedic View on Food and Taste

Ayurveda considers food and spices to be healing substances and good digestion to be one of the main factors in optimal health. Because of this, great emphasis is placed on the right combination of foods and on the concept of shad rasa, or six tastes. These six tastes—sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent—should be […]

5 Ways to Treat ED With the Help of Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurvedic medicine is on the list of alternative and complementary medicine. According to Ayurveda, these treatments can help treat erectile dysfunction. Typically, people with ED do not get or keep an erection for satisfactory performance during intercourse. Ayurvedic experts use plants to treat this condition. In this article, we will talk about 5 methods that […]

Natural Herbal Remedies – The Ayurvedic Way

AYURVEDIC NATURAL HERBAL MEDICINES Ayurvedic natural herbal remedies are an alternative medicine option for those frustrated with traditional modern medicine. For thousands of years, practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine have used organic medicines to cure diseases and treat patients. These approaches allow for healthy living in balance with nature, keeping your system in a state of […]