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Quick But Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast not only increases stress levels, but stomach acid burns through the stomach and esophageal lining, causing, horror of horrors, bad breath. Breakfast is so named because it literally means breaking the fast that has been forced on the body to get at least six […]

5 Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast improves blood sugar levels, boosts metabolism, and reduces the desire to snack throughout the day. Studies now show that people who eat a healthy breakfast are slimmer than those who skip breakfast. Here are 5 healthy breakfast ideas to get you started today: […]

Cereals to Have in Candida Diet Breakfast

A friend of mine thought she read somewhere that Cheerios were okay for a candida diet breakfast if you must have granola. She wonders if that’s true because she can’t find it in her book now and she’s desperate for breakfast. This is her first breakfast and this morning she tried oatmeal, some kind of […]