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Treating Diabetes and Sciatica

According to the 2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet, over 8% of the US population has diabetes. That number is rising, with the CDC reporting that a third of children born in 2000 are expected to develop the disease at some point in their lives. Lack of exercise and poor nutrition are responsible for the increasing […]

Type 2 Diabetes – Water and Weight Loss Explained!

The International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) reports that more than 1.7 billion people worldwide are at risk for obesity-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes. It is true that the increase in type 2 diabetes over the past decade has indeed been accompanied by rising rates of obesity and body mass index. In fact, the […]

Herbal Treatment For Diabetes

The use of herbs to treat human diseases dates back to prehistoric times when humans were extremely primitive. Nature has endowed mankind with the bounty of herbal treatments for many of the ailments that afflict man. Although herbs were used indiscriminately in prehistoric times, humans still experimented with the various natural herbs available. Herbal remedies […]

14 Diabetes Myths You Should Not Believe

Diabetes is a common condition affecting over 450 million people globally. The available ways to diagnose and treat diabetes has advanced quite a bit over the years. Home monitoring of blood sugar levels now makes it easy to keep track of blood glucose levels. Yet, many of them are not aware of how diabetes occurs […]

Healthy Diet – An Antidote for Diabetes

Diabetes is a very common lifestyle disorder that is now approaching epidemic proportions. India now has a dubious reputation for being called the diabetes capital of the world and, alarmingly, the diabetic population could grow by 200% in the next 15 years, according to the WHO. In this short article we will discuss: a. What […]

Diabetes and Ayurveda Treatment (1)

What is Ayurvedic treatment, is there an Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, how does the treatment work, what is the prognosis when using Ayurvedic treatment. Why are more and more people using it as an alternative way to treat their diabetes? All of these questions and more will be answered in the following article. Ayurveda is […]

Lessons From a Diabetes Diagnosis

The night I was diagnosed with diabetes I was in the hospital after being hit by a car. Luckily I only had a small fracture in my left arm. The diagnosis of diabetes, Howrvrt, was devastating and was confirmed by a doctor who examined me. He prescribed me[physicaltherapyformyarmThegoodnewswasthatmyarmdidn’thavesurgery!Buttheideaof​​havingtodealwithdiabeteswasworse[hysicaltherapyformyarmThegoodnewswasthatmyarmdidn’tsurgery!Buttheideaof​​havingadeathdealwithdiabeteswasworse[PhysiotherapiefürmeinenArmDieguteNachrichtwardassmeinArmnichtoperiertwurde!AberdieVorstellungsichmitDiabetesauseinandersetzenzumüssenwarschlimmer[hysicaltherapyformyarmThegoodnewswasthatmyarmdidn’tsurgery!Buttheideaofhavingtodealwithdiabeteswasworse It meant endless doctor visits and expensive […]