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eating well eats

Pros and Cons of Eating Nuts

Who says little things can’t be special? At least that’s not the case with nuts. In fact, these little packages are powerhouses of healthy nutrients to add to your daily diet. Despite being super-rich healthy foods, many myths surround them. Despite scientific claims and facts, many people still believe that eating nuts can leave you […]

What Is Healthy Eating for Kids? Eating Habits

When it comes to healthy eating, children need to make sure they have good eating habits and eating rituals alongside what appears to be a healthy diet. A healthy diet allows your child to get the nutrients they need and allows them to grow up healthy and happy, but their eating rituals and other eating […]

6 Reasons to Eat Home-Cooked Food More Often

Read on to find out why you should be eating homemade food Thanks to our increasingly hectic lifestyles, food has become one of the lower priorities in life. For example, we only eat when we meet someone at a fancy restaurant, or snack mindlessly while watching a movie. When was the last time you took […]

Lessons From a Diabetes Diagnosis

The night I was diagnosed with diabetes I was in the hospital after being hit by a car. Luckily I only had a small fracture in my left arm. The diagnosis of diabetes, Howrvrt, was devastating and was confirmed by a doctor who examined me. He prescribed me[physicaltherapyformyarmThegoodnewswasthatmyarmdidn’thavesurgery!Buttheideaof​​havingtodealwithdiabeteswasworse[hysicaltherapyformyarmThegoodnewswasthatmyarmdidn’tsurgery!Buttheideaof​​havingadeathdealwithdiabeteswasworse[PhysiotherapiefürmeinenArmDieguteNachrichtwardassmeinArmnichtoperiertwurde!AberdieVorstellungsichmitDiabetesauseinandersetzenzumüssenwarschlimmer[hysicaltherapyformyarmThegoodnewswasthatmyarmdidn’tsurgery!Buttheideaofhavingtodealwithdiabeteswasworse It meant endless doctor visits and expensive […]

Postnatal ‘Confinement’ Food Part 1

During pregnancy, the baby is like a parasite and robs you of all the nutrients it needs. If your diet contains sufficient nutrients for both, this will not cause any problems. On the other hand, if you don’t eat enough for both, your recovery after childbirth will take longer and if you still don’t replenish […]

What Do Budgies Eat?

Parakeets (more specifically known as budgerigars) are like most other birds, they enjoy a varied diet rather than just the same old seed day after day. So what do you feed your little feathered friends? Budgies are vegetarians, so they enjoy a nice, balanced diet of seeds, vegetables, and fruit! What kind of fruits do […]