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It’s Pumpkin Time – Fun to Carve and Healthy to Eat!

Autumn is here in all its red and gold glory. What a popular time to decorate your home with pumpkins, Halloween decorations and good looking pumpkins! However, few people realize that their jack-o’-lantern is much more than just a “pretty” (or scary!) face. Consuming pumpkin and pumpkin seeds also offers many health benefits. With so […]

What Does a Healthy Long Distance Relationship Look Like?

Long distance relationships can be complex and usually take time, effort, and practice to get right. A question many people have is what does a healthy one look like? Not literally, of course, but if you’ve ever wondered what should happen with a strong long-distance connection, you’re not alone. Remember that everyone is different. Just […]

Quick But Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast not only increases stress levels, but stomach acid burns through the stomach and esophageal lining, causing, horror of horrors, bad breath. Breakfast is so named because it literally means breaking the fast that has been forced on the body to get at least six […]

Diabetic Cooking – Tips To Help Learn How To Cook This Healthy Lifestyle Called The Diabetic Diet

Many newly diagnosed diabetics, pre-diabetics, and even long-term diabetics dread the thought of learning about diabetic cooking because they believe they will face years of boring and unsatisfying meals that will take away much of the enjoyment from their lives. And unfortunately, many people who have lived with diabetes for years actually lead boring and […]

Eating Healthy On A Budget

Think it’s impossible to eat healthy on a budget? Many people believe that reducing the cost of groceries means you can no longer buy healthy groceries. Some people even convince themselves that healthy weight loss is not possible without spending a lot of money. But not only is eating healthy on a budget, as well […]

Healthy Eating and Children’s Nutrition

The topic of healthy eating and child nutrition occupies most parents, especially younger or new parents. Wanting the best in good, nutritious food for their children is something all parents aspire to but don’t necessarily know how to do. With all of the food trends these days, it’s easy for inexperienced parents to be fooled […]