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Healthy Eating – Green Leaves and Rocket

Arugula is a popular leafy salad from the Brassicaceae family. Botanically recognized as Eruca satvia, it is native to areas around the Mediterranean in Portugal, Lebanon and Turkey. It is an annual plant that can grow up to a meter tall but is usually harvested when it is less than 20cm tall. Any part of […]

Pickles: A Healthy Snack with Snap

Pickles are a popular snack, side dish, and condiment. But did you know that cucumbers are also a healthy part of your diet? There are many different pickle recipes, but each version has its own health benefits, depending on the ingredients that went into the pickle and the method used to pickle it, whether fermented […]

A Healthy Vegetarian Diet For Weight Loss

Since it rained for most of the weekend, I spent my time reading a book I just picked up. Thrive: The vegan nutrition guide to optimal performance in sport and in life by Brendan Brazier (creator of the Thrive Diet). Even if you have no interest in veganism or vegetarianism, this book and its core […]

Naturopathy – Healing the Body the Healthy Way

Healing arts are popular these days as an alternative to the standard medical practices that the world has been using. Naturopathy or naturopathy is one of those healing arts that is gaining recognition among the population today. This type of alternative medicine uses natural remedies with sources such as plants and reduces the use of […]

Healthy, Nutritious And Delicious Recipes For Your Toddler

As parents, our focus always remains that our child should eat healthily. On the contrary, children are notoriously picky eaters and getting them to eat something healthy is sometimes a difficult task. We are constantly looking for recipes that are healthy and will help increase our baby’s weight. We shouldn’t just rely on the child’s […]