Vitamins, Minerals, and Exercise

Supplemental vitamins and minerals may be required for individuals who choose to live a healthy life and exercise. It is quite possible for a person who is exercising to suddenly be faced with a vitamin and/or mineral deficiency. The latter is the result of the body’s rapid use of minerals and vitamins obtained through natural, healthy food intake. Therefore, daily intake of vitamin supplements is highly recommended for those who exercise every day. When a person who exercises lacks the appropriate minerals and vitamins, they also face reduced performance, potential fatigue and other physical ailments such as cramps and pain after exercise.

A lack of vitamin B complex leads to a lack of endurance and potential fatigue. The recommended daily dose of niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin and cobalmine varies. A person who exercises regularly should receive 15 mg riboflavin, 25 mg niacin, 10 mg pantothenic acid, 15 mg pyridoxine and 6 mcg cobalmin daily. Thiamine, another B-complex vitamin, is necessary daily and a person should get 50 mg daily. The vitamin B complex works in unison to improve metabolism, keep skin and muscles in a healthy condition, improve immunological functions and promote proper cell growth. A lack of vitamin B complex can lead to muscle pain and other physical ailments.

Over-the-counter vitamin supplements that can be taken daily can ensure a person is getting the appropriate amount of vitamin A, biotin, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium, chromium, copper, iodine , iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. Regardless of whether the person exercises strenuously or not, vitamin supplementation is recommended simply because the supplement can provide the body with the vitamins that one may not be consuming in his or her normal diet. Food-based vitamins are a better choice.

Individuals who exercise regularly tend to sweat profusely, and during sweating the body can also decrease the amount of zinc, iodine, and iron in the blood. Many over-the-counter vitamin supplements helps replace the depleted minerals that the body uses. Vitamin supplements can also provide the body with extra calcium, which is necessary for bone health, the transmission of nerve impulses, and the body’s ability to contract muscles properly. The more athletic a person is, the more likely that person will need a supplement that replaces the minerals and vitamins mentioned above.

It might be a good idea to see a doctor for a full physical before starting an exercise program and after you’ve exercised for a while. A doctor may do a blood test to determine if there are any vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies that need to be addressed, either before starting an exercise program or after exercising for a while.

Thanks to Robin Reichert

exerciseMineralsnutrition and wellness dietVitamins