Healthy Food Choices: How To Choose Healthy Foods in a Junk-Food World

Choosing healthy foods can be difficult, especially when we’re surrounded by junk food everywhere: fast-food drive-throughs on every corner, office treats, unhealthy food social events, and everything in between. But with a little practice, you can choose healthy foods! This article outlines 3 steps you should take the next time you are faced with a food choice.

  1. Look at the ingredients

    The most important aspect of a healthy diet is paying attention to the ingredients that go into the foods you eat. Stay away from foods that contain sugar, white flour, high levels of unhealthy fats, preservatives, chemicals, and high levels of sodium. When eating, focus on foods that are in their most natural form as they are higher in nutrients.
  2. Always have healthy food on hand

    You never know when you’ll need a snack, so it’s a good idea to always have healthy alternatives available. Keep some non-perishable goodies in your car, items like nuts and dried fruit are great. Keep healthy snacks in your desk drawer and in the break room refrigerator. Take an apple with you when you leave the house.

  3. Remember it’s okay to say no

    Many people eat unhealthy foods because the food is free, or they are in a social situation where everyone else is eating unhealthy foods. If you find yourself in any of these situations, remember that it’s okay to say no. Most friends and family will understand why you eat different foods, just explain why you eat healthy and they will support your decision.

One of the best defenses to keeping you on track with your healthy food choices is to make a plan in advance. Remember the 3 steps you need to follow and stick to the plan the next time you are faced with a difficult food choice.

Thanks to Becki Andrus

ChoicesChooseFoodFoodsHealthyhealthy eating blogJunkFoodworld