Medifast & Diet Pills – Can You Use Weight Loss Medications With the Medifast Program?

Many people wonder if it’s okay to use weight loss drugs like appetite suppressants with the Medifast program. Here is an overview of the medications that can and cannot be used with Medifast.

First, let’s take a look at what medications are available. There are only a handful of different ones that are FDA approved specifically for weight loss. The best known are Meridia, which suppresses appetite and helps increase your body’s fat burning ability; Phentermine, which decreases your appetite and increases your metabolism; and orlistat, which partially blocks your body’s ability to digest and absorb the fats you eat.

Both Meridia and Orlistat (also known as Xenical) are approved for long-term use. Phentermine is only approved for short-term use as it is potentially addictive. With your doctor’s approval, both Meridia and Phentermine are generally safe to use with the Medifast program. Orlistat on the other hand should not be used with Medifast at all as the meals are already very low in fat and you need some fats in your diet for certain vitamins.

All of this is only available from your doctor if you meet certain criteria related to your BMI. However, if you suffer from obesity and related health issues, you should discuss options with your doctor. Be sure to tell your doctor about Medifast as well so they can discuss how best to use it with medications.

Also, I should mention that there is also an over-the-counter drug that is similar to orlistat. This is Ali. You’ve probably heard about it. Since you shouldn’t take orlistat while using Medifast, you shouldn’t take Alli either. Because it’s a fat blocker, using it with Medifast may mean you’re getting deficient in vitamin D and other important fat-soluble vitamins.

However, before you decide to ask your doctor for a prescription, try the Medifast program for yourself for a few weeks. Because of how the program works, most people who use it to lose weight find that they don’t actually get hungry after the first three to five days.

Because Medifast is high in protein and provides adequate fiber, it works to give you a feeling of fullness, which should keep you from getting hungry. Once you’re in a fat-burning state known as ketosis, it also tends to suppress your appetite. So most dieters can get by just fine without the need for an additional appetite suppressant. However, if you find that you still need to curb your hunger and need some extra help, there are definitely weight loss medications that you can take with Medifast. You just have to talk to your doctor about it to see if there is one that is right for you.

Thanks to Jenni Kerala

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