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alternative to eating

Health Benefits Of Truffles

Although truffles are very expensive, besides the fact that eating a delicacy is very exciting, there are now many more reasons to eat them. One of those reasons is that you consume truffles because they can bring you health benefits. There has been a general debate over the years about the health benefits and nutritional […]

Treating Fibroids – Foods – What Not to Eat

What we don’t know is that the main reasons our fibroids grow are the food we eat and the excess estrogen finding its way into our internal bodies. Research has shown that women from Afro-Caribbean and Asian cultures suffer from larger fibroids than women from Caucasian cultures. Looking at the different diets of these races, […]

Why Do We Eat Turkey on Christmas Day?

The festive season is filled with age-old traditions like eating turkey on Christmas Day. But how did this come about and why should we continue this tradition? It wasn’t always traditional to eat turkey on Christmas Day. Before turkey was introduced to Britain, geese, peacocks and even boar’s heads were eaten as treats on Christmas […]

What Are the Symptoms of Acid Reflux?

The most common symptom of acid reflux is heartburn. Heartburn doesn’t mean you have reflux, it can be caused by other conditions including a severe candida yeast infection or overgrowth. Candida infection can lead to a variety of problems, including thrush, depression, skin irritation, heartburn, and hemorrhoids. It’s possible to have acid reflux without suffering […]

Homemade Canning – Best Kinds of Soup for Home Canning

Canned soup is delicious and easy for lunch, dinner and even snacks. Store-bought soups often contain high levels of sodium and even hidden ingredients like monosodium glutamate, yeast, and unfamiliar spices and added artificial flavors. Homemade canned soup is not only healthier, it’s cheaper than the store-bought versions and you can control what goes into […]

Make Your Penis Larger – Healthy Growing Penis Food Diet

There are many natural exercises and different techniques aimed at increasing penis size, but what about the food you eat? Unfortunately, there are no known diets that can directly help to make your penis bigger, they exist indirectly. If you look at the penis biologically, you’ll learn that blood circulation and neuronal transmission are the […]