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3 Tips for Helping to Prevent Brain Cancer

What is brain tumor? Brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in the brain. Typically, cells stop dividing after they get old. But cancer cells are forever young and keep dividing. So there is a collection of cells in a certain region of the brain that grows into a tumor. Some tumors are benign […]

7 Quotes From Neuroscientists That Will Revolutionize Brain And Mind Health, Fitness And Wellness

Are you interested in improving your attention, memory, thinking skills and ability to deal with stressful situations? Good news: “Recent research on neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to change in response to information and new activity—shows that brain cells and new pathways continue to evolve throughout life…” says mainstream newspapers like the New York Times to increase […]

How Can I Boost My Brain Power?

The human brain is the boss of the body. Like the cell’s mitochondria, it is the body’s powerhouse because it runs the whole show and controls the effective performance of bodily functions, issuing commands and processing information, even while we sleep. The endurance of the brain says a lot about our health. After the age […]

Celiac And The Gluten Gut-Brain Connection Seen In Reversible Abnormal SPECT Brain Scans

SPECT brain imaging of the majority of the few celiac disease patients studied show abnormalities, usually most severe in the front areas of the brain. An improvement in these abnormalities is observed with a gluten-free diet. The front of the brain is important for brain function, which controls attention, impulse control, organization, and problem solving. […]

How to Improve Your Memory Through the Best Brain Food

Sie sagen, dass man einem alten Hund keine neuen Tricks beibringen kann, aber wenn es um das Gehirn geht, haben Wissenschaftler entdeckt, dass dieses alte Sprichwort einfach nicht stimmt. Das menschliche Gehirn hat eine erstaunliche Anpassungs- und Veränderungsfähigkeit – bis ins hohe Alter. Diese Fähigkeit wird als „Neuroplastizität“ bezeichnet. Mit der richtigen Stimulation kann Ihr […]